~Aligning, through choice, with our own Divine Nature~
Soul Realignment® is a powerful multidimensional, Soul-level healing modality that utilizes three aspects of the wisdom and information found in the Akashic Records.
Who we are at Soul-level: We access the Akashic Records to discover and remember the nature of our Soul. We can learn about our Soul's origination, the primary energies and vibrational qualities it is made of and is designed to work with and also what gifts and talents are inherent to the way our Soul was created by the Divine. We become aware of how connected we are to our Higher Self and our Divine nature and the Life Lessons our Soul chose for this lifetime. We also can bring understanding and a higher perspective to our relationships through awareness of how we connect, at Soul level, with those that are important in our lives. We get to know who we are at Soul-level - our True Self.
How we create our circumstances through choice: Through accessing the Akashic Records, we can understand how we create our present-life circumstances through our past choices; in this lifetime or in a past life. We also come to understand that we are powerful creators of our own experiences, through our choices, and that each choice, whether positive or negative, has a consequence. When we have made negative choices (as we all have!), they are not judged by the Universe as bad, or wrong, or evil. They are simply choices that have created misalignment to our own Divinity. These choices do not express who we truly are and that is why they are considered 'negative'. A negative choice negates who we are vs. affirming who we are. Every time we take action out of guilt, obligation, blame, shame or fear, we are creating negativity. And these negative choices have negative consequences that can affect us for years or even lifetimes. These energetic consequences of our negative choices we call "blocks and restrictions" because they limit us from fully accessing our Divine gifts and talents and from being in alignment with our Soul's vibrational qualities. These "blocks and restrictions" limit us from truly living our purpose.
How, through awareness, we can clear what is limiting us: When we have an understanding of who we are as Souls and have a conscious awareness of how our negative choices have created consequences that are continuing to affect us in our present life experiences, we can then energetically clear those consequences within the Akashic Records. We clear the blocks and restrictions that are preventing us from accessing our Divinity and expressing it in our physical life.
~We can then become, through new choices, the powerful creators of our human experience, in alignment with our Soul's expression for this very special life.~
As a Certified Advanced Soul Realignment® Practitioner, I offer many ways in which we can work together in your Akashic Records. Please take some time to get an understanding of what each type of session has to offer and which session would best fit your current needs. And if you are still not sure, please contact me and I would be happy to answer your questions and explain the many options available.
If you are interested in learning how to do this Soul-level healing work for yourself, I recommend this FREE webinar: "Akashic Records: Manifesting Demystified" by Andrrea Hess and Soul Realignment®